The Hard level Cloze+ tests are NOT necessarily for Advanced students. A blank every fifth word. The Level of language may vary from Elementary to Advanced. The passages are, by definition, less than 504 words in length. Reference - anaphora, cataphora, and deixis in a broader extra-textual sense - applies, which means that a clue may appear in more than one blank, or that the student might find no clue at all in the case of deictic reference... :-(
Disclaimer: Attentive Reading Required...
ESO 1 & 2 |
ESO 3 & 4 |
BAT 1 & 2 |
Elementary |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
HINT > Try out those Cloze+ tests which are suitable to your Level of Language. The Easy ones, first. Then you can move on to Medium, etc.
HARD > You get minus 10% of overall percentage if you have +THREE Blanks Wrong.
Have fun...and take care! |