In or Out?

Cloze+ Exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
Have fun...and take care!

Our dog Rex used sit outside our front and bark. Every time wanted to come into garden he would bark someone opened the gate. the neighbours complained of noise, my husband spent training him to press paw on the latch let himself in. Rex became an expert at the gate. However, when was going out shopping week, I noticed him the garden near the . This time he was so that someone would him out! Since then, has developed another bad . As soon as he the gate from the , he comes into the and waits until the shuts. Then he sits barks until someone lets out. After this he lets himself in and barking again. Yesterday my removed the gate and got so annoyed that have not seen him .

160 / 32 / 5
PASS = 17
[ HARD ]